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On Board Courier Africa: Express deliveries on time

on board courier africa express deliveries

The On Board Courier is an innovative solution for fast deliveries from France and Europe to West Africa: spare parts, equipment, A.O.G, or original business documents/tenders – Fast delivery times and hand to hand delivery.

Industrialists: Your equipment in Africa without delay

Are you a player in the maritime or mining industry, the automobile industry, aeronautics or an engineer in charge of maintenance? You know how crucial it is to maintain a regular flow of spare parts and equipment to your partners in West Africa. But standard shipping times, whether by sea or air, can often jeopardize your operations due to their slowness.

On Board Courier to West Africa

In the face of this issue, there’s a little known yet effective solution: the On Board Courier, also known as OBC. This fast air transport option involves sending a courier with the cargo on a commercial flight departing from France to West Africa, covering key destinations such as Dakar, Conakry, Abidjan, Accra, and Lagos, among others.

A little-known but effective solution exists: the on-board courier service (On Board Courier).

A common misconception is that sending an onboard courier to Africa is hampered by passport, visa or customs issues. However, this is far from being the case. With the appropriate documents, an experienced courier is fully capable of quickly and safely delivering urgent goods to Senegal, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, offshore Cape Verde and other countries in the region.

Please note that some potentially dangerous items may be subject to restrictions, but this also applies to other international destinations.

With the appropriate documents, an experienced courier is fully capable of delivering quickly and safely to West Africa.

On Board Courier Africa: Departures from Paris CDG and Orly

France, with its historical ties to African countries, offers numerous flight options to these destinations. For example, Dakar in Senegal benefits from several daily flights from Paris Charles de Gaulle, with schedules adapted to meet the requirements of urgent shipments. Likewise, Ivory Coast is well-served with regular flights from Paris Orly and Paris CDG.

Note: If you have an urgent shipment to Africa from a European country other than France (Spain, Belgium, Slovakia, Czech Republic, etc.), contact our teams to find out the available flights.

A fast and reliable solution to West Africa

In conclusion, for fast and secure shipments of parcels from France and Europe to West Africa, the On Board Courier service offers an efficient and reliable solution. To obtain more information on this option do not hesitate to contact our dedicated team:

  • Via the quick quote form
  • By phone: +32 2 888 84 16 (EN/FR)

Also read:

Africa and On Board Courier – Frequently asked questions


Please note: 
The on-board courier solution is available exclusively to professional customers with a VAT and an exporter EORI number. Currently, ATC services are not available to individuals for personal shipments.